11. März 2019: SASL School of Hepatology

11. März 2019: SASL School of Hepatology

Die Schweizer Assoziation für das Studium der Leber (SASL) lädt zur 1. Quartalsschulung 2019 ein

SASL School Monday March 11th 17.30-19.00: Announcement & Login 

Dear colleagues,

In the name of the Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) we would like to invite you to our quaterly educational activity with another exciting program! The SASL School of Hepatology can be followed live via a teleconference from any computer.

Please find important instructions for the next SASL School scheduled for Monday, March 11th, 2019, 17.30-19.00 below:


SASL News (David Semela, St. Gallen)

Liver Disease in Pregnancy (Montserrat Fraga, Lausanne)

Systemic HCC Therapies in 2019 (Jordi Bruix, Barcelona)

1. An easy to use browser-based webinar solution is used (Adobe Connect). No installation is necessary. The teleconference link for login is:



2. The link is already active and can be tested: Please tick "Enter as a guest", enter the name of your hospital/unit and hit "Enter Room" - Done!

3. Make sure that you have your loudspeakers activated. Webcam and microphone are optional and are not necessary for the conference. Everything else will be explained live at the beginning of the school.

4. As an alternative option, the conference can also be followed live on smartphones (iPhone & Android) and iPads using the free App "Adobe Connect Mobile" – after installation just enter the link mentioned above.

5. Handouts and CME Credits can be found in the webinar window (left botton corner) and in the member section of the SASL website starting at the day of the presentation.

Best regards,


PD. Dr. Dr. David Semela
Fachbereichsleiter Hepatologie
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Rohrschacherstrasse 95
CH-9007 St. Gallen
