15. September 2016: 5. Symposium - Cholestic Liver Diseases

15. September 2016: 5. Symposium - Cholestic Liver Diseases

5th Hepatology Symposium: Cholestatic Liver Diseases - 15.09.2016 - 6pm

Prof. Ulrich Beuers
(Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Reserach, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Prof. Gideon Hirschfield
(University of Birmingham, Center for Liver Research, NIHR Birmingham, Liver Biomedical Reserach Unit, University of Birmingham, UK)

"IgG4 cholangiopathy"
"New treatments for PBC"

Inselspital, Bauchzentrum, room A318 at 6pm
Host: Dr. med. Guido Stirnimann, Swiss Liver Center